Welcome to the weekend fishing prediction with Captain Griffin Deans of Slot Machine Fishing Charters and Skyway Bait & Tackle!

Just getting on the water right now, and trying to catch some fish today. I know a lot of crazy things are going on in the world right now, but we’re still open, Skyway Bait is still open, and all my buddies are still open. We’re still out here, guys…

Just talked to Matt Bauer at 941-BAIT, and he’s still open and running. 

Not much to do right now in the world, so it’s a good thing to get out and clear the mind and go fishing. It’s tough times, but everyone needs to keep a positive attitude. We’ll get through this. 

We hope you have a chance to get out there and catch some fish this weekend! 

-Capt. Griffin Deans

To book an inshore fishing charter with Captain Griffin Deans call (941) 920-1862 or visit Slotmachinefishingcharters.com


When life hands you lemons, do you make lemonade?  

We have found it helpful in life to take what knowledge we’re given of our present moment – and act. Action is the key to making it through the tough times because talking, although helpful, doesn’t set any ripples in motion.  

Although these are interesting times and it’s tough to determine how or where to spend that action – it’s never a bad idea to spend it on the water fishing. This is one reason we teach fishing for a living. It’s a catalyst for life and all the challenges we face surviving in this world. The bonus is, there’s no coronavirus out here. 

The sun’s rays will kill most viruses and bacteria within a couple of hours. Without a host, they won’t survive eighty plus degrees at all! We know this because what once was a dirty, stinky fish cooler can still be used a few hours after leaving it in the sun. Sure it may still have stains on it – but that’s just a sign that you go fishing. Those coolers with cobwebs, we suggest you use them and GO FISHING. It’s a great conference room, meditation room, or self-quarantine space when you need it. And the sun will be there warming, sanitizing, and giving you the vitamin D you deserve. 

May your fish be mighty, and your water be clean!  

To book an inshore kayak charter with Captain Erik, visit FishLikeUs.com or call (360) 797-3275. 


Red Grouper are back, and Blackfin Tuna are on fire. Offshore reports are also coming in with hogs, permits, and amberjack.  


We’re not sure what to say about a lot of things, but we do have one suggestion: go fishing.  

We’re as passionate as we’ve ever been about the sport of fishing – if not more. When life gets you down, you go fishing. When life picks you up, you go fishing. When life hands you lemons, you GO FISHING and use those lemons to marinate that meat!  

We have a full, healthy crew here at the shop ready to get you out there fishing. Please don’t waste this opportunity to provide yourself health.   

We look forward to seeing you and helping you Catch More Fish! 

-The Skyway Bait Team 

This entry was posted on Friday, March 20th, 2020 at 2:43 pm and is filed under Fishing Reports. You can leave a comment and follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.

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